Great to see new Art War running - of course I'm in :). I choose Villains side. My character calls himself Master of Trees and as you can guess his super power is control over trees.

Let's ART WAR 3 begin!

And so the deadline has come and this is my entry for Art War 3:

It was a great experience and I'm really grateful to Cubebrush Team for making this happen again. I'm looking forward to see you all in (hopefully) future Art Wars - fingers crossed!

Best regards and good luck to all :).

Hello Jonatan,

Welcome back !
I was going to more or less the same idea but I dropped it haha (difference was my character, a giantess).
It is looking really good already !
Good luck ^^

Hello @mr_dessin - good to see you too :smile: . Giantess you say... that could be interesting. But I see you've found at least equally cool idea - good luck to you as well!

Thank you @sanguine for kind words :smile: . I remember you from previous ART WAR. You did really good job with "Freyja Corpse-Ripper"!

I'm so glad we can all meet again on this new challenge. ART WAR 2 was so much fun and I'm expecting even more with ART WAR 3 :smile:


Thank you @tbrk! Good to see you too :). I'm looking forward to see your "Death Flame Demon"!


I was away for thanksgiving, sorry for the late reply. I better start working on my entry :grin:

1 month later

Hi. I didn't post here for a while (and I feel bad about it)... But finally I have some more time and I started moving forward. Who knows - maybe even I will be able to finish this :wink:. Especially that we've got extra week! Anyway... this is where I am now:


10 days later