Just striking! The only thing that you could probably improve is the readability at the area where her mech-arm touches the deers horns, that´s really hard to read if you ask me. Maybe put some shadowing on the deers horn there. Besides that, really beautiful and a great composition!

yep those areas are gonna be separated out more with colours , since the ones in here are still place holders, also probably will increase the shadows underneath the hand more

I love your entry, great work! The illustration is mesmerising :blush:

This is very nice I love it so much! :smile: Great job! :smile:

This is so incredibly cool! I love so much EVERYTHING in this artwork. I would like to reach this level someday. )

really awesome! Love the illustration, great mood :smiley:

23 days later

This... should... win ! I'm in love with the quality of the illustration, the details added, the lighting, the design of the outfit and character. Great work !!