Yes, that was my choise also, thank you for the feedback @rabbitrifles!
Your sketches are really nice! I will tell you nips will likely get your entry booted or in the case you make it to the final rounds likely not chosen for that reason alone.
That aside I like the arms of the middle sketch the best, the legs need to be more interesting/asymmetrical in some way to balance out that part of your design.
I would suggest you to really abandon armor on her, since she is obviously not a brute fighter (or is she). I would assume she would use her magic, charms, seduction (since she is a succubus). You should probably think more about her clothes and character, by showing it through her poses, facial expressions, clothes (again), etc.
Since you got basic idea of her design nailed, I would say that those thumbnails fit only for further designing of her overall appearance, but not her character (which I consider to be just as important).
But I really like it so far!
Keep it up!
Thank you for the tips @sarawildeart! that design has little skulls, it's not showing... but i agree ,will not go with that design.
Thank you for the comment @alecksandrs ! Well she will be ultra-strong, but the armor design is not my favourite too, I’m going the 3 design, I will keep some stuff and improve and create new. the gauntlet I will keep… its connect to something I haven’t put in paper yet, also already working on the aspects you mentioned, thanks again!
Most of my work tends to be realistic in style and design, for this, I want to work on a different approach, a mix between my realism with anime/cartoon style, vivid colour pallet, more stylish design and a bit of exaggerated proportions.
it’s something I’ve explored a couple of times, I kind liked the end result, let’s see where it gets me this time
i like the concept, but if i were one of my mentors i would tell you to push more the epicness and delve into uncharted realms, to me she seems the "standard ish" succubus so i'd love to see a sort of major twist somewhere -that's my personal taste- tecnique is good so far keep it up, hope this helps
thank you for the feedback, much apreciated @Pregium!
Nice picture so far. I agree with @Pregium about the lack of epicness. If you do go forward with this version and pose, I would suggest two things: You might consider changing the pose a bit to move the hands & wings away from each other to make a stronger silhouette. And you might look at more reference for the anatomy on the arms. (All of the arms! ) They lack musculature.
But whatever you choose, nice work and great addition of the pets. Good luck and have fun!
thank you for the feedback @mdashow!
This is just the concepts, for the final piece i will develop something much more impressive! where i will explore the epicness
Oh, I really like her looks! Tho I believe you could make her design a little bit more creative and dynamic, tho I am still excited for your final image!
(I haven't checked forums for a week+ due to lack of PC) But now Im here, and ready to post feedback, and continue my own work!
Wish you luck m8!
Keep it cool!