Yes, that was my choise also, thank you for the feedback @rabbitrifles!
Your sketches are really nice! I will tell you nips will likely get your entry booted or in the case you make it to the final rounds likely not chosen for that reason alone.
That aside I like the arms of the middle sketch the best, the legs need to be more interesting/asymmetrical in some way to balance out that part of your design.
I would suggest you to really abandon armor on her, since she is obviously not a brute fighter (or is she). I would assume she would use her magic, charms, seduction (since she is a succubus). You should probably think more about her clothes and character, by showing it through her poses, facial expressions, clothes (again), etc.
Since you got basic idea of her design nailed, I would say that those thumbnails fit only for further designing of her overall appearance, but not her character (which I consider to be just as important).
But I really like it so far!
Keep it up!
Thank you for the tips @sarawildeart! that design has little skulls, it's not showing... but i agree ,will not go with that design.
Thank you for the comment @alecksandrs ! Well she will be ultra-strong, but the armor design is not my favourite too, I’m going the 3 design, I will keep some stuff and improve and create new. the gauntlet I will keep… its connect to something I haven’t put in paper yet, also already working on the aspects you mentioned, thanks again!
Most of my work tends to be realistic in style and design, for this, I want to work on a different approach, a mix between my realism with anime/cartoon style, vivid colour pallet, more stylish design and a bit of exaggerated proportions.
it’s something I’ve explored a couple of times, I kind liked the end result, let’s see where it gets me this time
i like the concept, but if i were one of my mentors i would tell you to push more the epicness and delve into uncharted realms, to me she seems the "standard ish" succubus so i'd love to see a sort of major twist somewhere -that's my personal taste- tecnique is good so far keep it up, hope this helps
thank you for the feedback, much apreciated @Pregium!
Nice picture so far. I agree with @Pregium about the lack of epicness. If you do go forward with this version and pose, I would suggest two things: You might consider changing the pose a bit to move the hands & wings away from each other to make a stronger silhouette. And you might look at more reference for the anatomy on the arms. (All of the arms! ) They lack musculature.
But whatever you choose, nice work and great addition of the pets. Good luck and have fun!
thank you for the feedback @mdashow!
This is just the concepts, for the final piece i will develop something much more impressive! where i will explore the epicness
Oh, I really like her looks! Tho I believe you could make her design a little bit more creative and dynamic, tho I am still excited for your final image!
(I haven't checked forums for a week+ due to lack of PC) But now Im here, and ready to post feedback, and continue my own work!
Wish you luck m8!
Keep it cool!
Thanks for the feedback @eissa @Firathion @alecksandrs! Sorry, for the late reply, not been able to post, having health problems, also not been able to work much! anyway, i'm doing slow but will work on it when i can.
She is the daughter of Satan’s, her purpose, conquer hell!
She is extremely strong, much more than the average demons, the gauntlet, she stole from her father’s treasure room, it gives her the power to summon all kinds of Satan’s weapons, it’s only thanks to her strength she’s able to wield them. She is tempered and intemperate. When very little her father gave her Amon, the pet, somehow she now has multiple ones… the original one, is massive, you will see more of them in the final illustration… the scene will be she’s conquering hell.
The characters, environment and stories are a combination between eastern and western mythology of hell. The same applies to the designs, while it will be my style, also I will also incorporate some aesthetics from anime/cartoon style. I like doing some experimenting, in the end just tring to have some fun while doing it... I hope you enjoy it in the end.