This sum up yesterday wip of #Pisciasa Face Texture.
☀️ Wip Note :

I was trying to experiment with new way of doing texture for this project, instead of relying heavily on direct bruteforce paint-over method, I breakdown the textures into several layer , like the same way compositor handle their final renders like shadow , specular and base diffuse passes. Doing it this way might take a bit of time to get used to all the different layer like where to paint the color , which layer to paint the shadow and how to adjust the color of the shadow using several selective color filter layer, but once I got used to manage all these layers and groups, it is way more easier to control the end result interm of shading and color variation of a surface. I just need to paint the valur in Shadow layer then the CC ( Color Correction pass ) and base color layers just do the rest with shading and color .
In some of the old projects I got it pretty struggling while painting texture rely heavily on my 2D digital painting skills since I have to manage everything at once like shadow / color variation etc on one single paint-over layer. Gotta play around with this setup some more to see if I can simplify or push it even further next time. well ... end of ranting for now <3