Our final piece is now ready! It's been a great experience all around, spoken with lots of great artists, learnt so much from this project and got a wealth of useful feedback. Good luck to everyone in the competition and I wish all the other artists success in their future endeavors.
Flythrough video:
WORLDS Challenge - The Devoted from Marcus Johnston on Vimeo.
All shots and footage captured with Unreal Engine 4.
Names: Marcus Johnston & Kuno Srilapan
Emails: marcusjohnstonfilms@gmail.com - k.srilapan@gmail.com
Portfolio: https://marcus-johnston.artstation.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markus.johnston
Hello there! Our names are Marcus Johnston and Kuno Srilapan, we're relatively new to environment creation and thought this challenge would be a great way to hone and further our skills. We look forward to participating and gaining feedback on our project.
There was once an ancient civilization of giant robots, their manufacturers unknown, they were travellers and roamed the world, self sustaining they did not search for materials, their purpose is still a mystery and one that perhaps only their creators knew. One day, they all simultaneously shut down, crashing where they stood, the cause of this is also unknown, perhaps via a timed killswitch or emp.
Around these ancient gargantuans, flocks of lesser robots, outcasts, workers, tribals, would congregate around these vast beings. Piety would flourish as these things without purpose formed parishes and worshipped these anomaly's, setting up shrines and 'spiritual circles' (what we would call hookah's). They would live as close as possible just to be nearer their gods and formed communities, perhaps even forming zealous disagreements with other tribes and their god.
We wanted to explore how their settlements would look and how they would incorporate their gods into them.
We felt more comfortable doing something stylistic so we didn't have to worry too much about materials and the like. We gathered reference from artists to work out a style that would fit, Ian McQue was one who's style of mech really appealed and influenced the concepts. After that it was just reference reference reference, looking at lighting, environments, prop reference etc. Solidifying the idea was very important.
Jun 24, '17
last reply
Oct 20, '17
24 | WORLDS Challenge - The Devoted on Vimeo vimeo.com |
8 | Marcus Johnston artstation.com |
5 | 3D Modeling & Texturing: [UE3/UE4] Landscape Grass Blending blogspot.de |
4 | Ulrich Thümmler Game & 3D Artist: UDK World Color blogspot.de |
2 | Marcus Johnston on Vimeo vimeo.com |
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