Hi! I´m Héctor from Spain, 39 years old (how did we get here?), starting Art School this month. Always liked drawing as a kid, but in my teens music got in the way and all my creative efforts went there. As the years passed i retook drawing here and there but with no serious practice, so i still consider myself a newbie, and even more in digital art.
My goals right now are just getting better and being able to express myself through art, i love fantasy and science fiction and that´s what i would love to learn to do. Don´t want to pester Marc every week lol, so i better make a post here to track my progress and get feedback, and to not lose focus.
I´ve been hopping between videos and still have plenty of content ahead on Term 1, so i will post as i get things done.
Pen control, i have to work on those circles lol

My dream house in the snow, not so convincing, but i never used Photoshop to achieve something like that, will keep on practicing

Image adjustment, i had a WAY harder time than expected, had to do the last picture a few times and still some differences.

That´s it for now! Right now i´m working on my perspective room, hope to get it done by tomorrow. Any feedback will be appreciated!

Oh boy, this thing took FOREVER, there´s a few things i should tweak, but i just want to get rid of it lol. I made a sci-fi room and i threw in a couple movie references to have some fun (spoiler: i didn´t had any lol). It´s been hard work but it´s been great practice, not just in the obvious perspective, but also in pen control and line weight, in which i´m not so used yet. Any feedback will be welcome!

The 1 point perspective is done well, and the 'Mr Fusion' item is a good example of showing that. The top is curved upward, showing it's above the horizon line, while the rest is curved downward, showing that it's below the horizon line.

I haven't started this assignment yet, but this is what I can see with my existing art ability. Keep it up!

Thanks! Whenever a stepped outside of the guide lines of perspective i had to do a bit of guess work, but i think the overall image works.

Your room looks good over all, but one thing that stands out to me is that white cylinder (assuming it is supposed to be a cylinder with a flat top), is that since the top is just barely above the horizon the curve would not be nearly that steep. if you draw out a 3d box for it (and keep that box in perspective) then build the circular top off of that, you'll find that the top probably only barely curves up enough to be noticed. Just roughly eye-balling how the top of the cylinder is now, it looks to me like the cylinder should be sitting above the top of the bed. I hope that makes sense, just trying to describe how much more-curved the top is than it should be. Describing visual things verbally is often tricky haha. Overall the room looks fantastic, great work!

That´s very true, that curved line doesn´t really match with all the straight lines, i didn´t even thought of building a reference box and then fit the cylinder in there. I will go back at it when i´m at home and try to fix it. Thank you very much for the advice!

Been practicing proportions for a few days, and my main problem is left-right symmetry, but i think i´m finally getting it. Will keep on practicing it everyday until i can make it without constant corrections.

11 days later

National holiday here, so no work for me today! Been doing some 60" figure drawing to loose the hand in the morning, i have done my share of those in pen&paper, but still having a hard time doing them in digital, pen control is not the same yet.