Hi guys, I also decided to create my own theme for my homework(here you will see all terms -from 1st to final, cause I dont want to create many topics for these, it feels uncomfortable for me). You`re very welcome!

And if you interested, here are my pages on artstation and instagram:

P.S. In our common discord channel for Artschool I wrote a message about our own hashtag for social media, cause #artschool is veeery very common word and it is impossible to use this one. So we choose #cbartshool and began to use it - I hope that you guys will join to this hashtags, so we all can see the progress and get inspired by the stuff of other people do!

So, there is my homework part with overdraw general forms. But as you can see I took the pics of Edouard Guiton - he is awesome at forms and body plastic. All resources with ordinary people photos are so boring and there are many unrealistic poses..But, to learn and do some anatomy improvisations I need to do some classic anatomy studies including ordinary pople photos - and I will do this, but a little later :smile:

These are cool,Keep posting cuz feedback is important.^_^

@vwwxze I really like your gestures, especially your last batch really have form to them. You put them down well very nicely and flowy! :open_mouth: keep it up =)

thank you! I really lie to train this form/action essentials, decided to do at least 2 lists for each day. Btw, today I will post 8-heads exercise:)

beautiful gestures! really like the one under the 3 min can easily tell the body form is twisting. me like :grin:

Oh, I missed that second web isnt in the right place. Anyway I tried to do more in this exersice

1 month later

Love what you got going here. You've put your own spin to everything, but it makes it interesting XD Love it.

1 month later

Really awesome everything. Nice color on the proportion exercise and also nice art style :+1:

2 years later

Wow! I checked out the entire thread. I'm very impressed. Did you have previous Art experience before you started this course?