Hi @demonslayercastlevaniachanel!

First off, you will need to read the brief here

Secondly, you want to choose if you want to go 2D or 3D with your entry and read the requirements: 2D requirements here, 3D requirements here

And lastly, to start your Art War journey, go here and press Enter the contest button
This will let you create a topic in which you can post you social media links and tell us what you are planning to create. You can post all future updates as replies to that topic. I recommend checking out other people's entries to see how it's supposed to look like :smile:

Good luck and let me know if you have further questions!

Okay thanks, I did all of these, but i still have one little question. When i am ready with a and b of the 2D i just have to post them as a new topic and click submit enrty, correct?

On another look, I see you've already created multiple topics. Let me delete these for you, as you can only have one active entry.

This is your Art War topic. You will need to post your progress images - sketches and WIPs to this topic. On bottom right there is "REPLY" button, when you press it will allow you to make a reply in which you can share your progress.
When you have the final images, you can post them into the same topic as your progress sketches and press "Submit Entry" button.

Okay, I think i understand it now. I have to make one topic, with the a sketch and add replies showing my progress and the final reply showing the done art. or to create a topic withe the final art and in replies to show my progress?

2 months later

I worked for 6-8 weeks on the bloody artwork for this contest! If it would have been a little more clear, that the progress has to be posted here, it would've been not such a waste of time as the whole work gone south right now as I can't participate without the bloody progress.

@greycore.draws hi! I'm so sorry that happened to you. It's one of the five core rules of the contest as specified in the Art War 5 Brief. We require all participants to read the Brief first and we do warn them that failure to follow any of these rules will disqualify the participant from winning.

But not all is lost, you may be disqualified from winning, but you can still post and share your artwork with the world. This contest is meant to motivate people to create amazing art and share it with the community and it sounds to me you have a great piece to show off now :).

Looking forward to seeing the artwork you created!

Hello! I found the website to be just a bit confusing. When you wrote the press Enter the Contest Button, where would it be located? Is there any way you could send a screenshot by any chance? I looked all over the place, but could not find it. I created a topic using Category instead of the link, but it does not show up in the submission tab sadly.

@Acolet Hello! I was not sure where to ask this, and creating a whole thread for this seemed a bit excessive, I hope it´s fine to ask here since I did not see this answered in the FAQ of the Artwar contest: Do we need to put the artwar logo on both the concept sheet and the final illustration? for the 2D entries I mean.
Thank you!

Hello, i'm having troubles submitting my finals in the 2d category, it seems i can't go past the cropping phase as it refreshes itself when i select a square to do a thumbnail, then i click next and nothing seems to happen, it just remains the cropping selection open with again the button next in blue, if i click it the whole repeats.. what can i do?

@artanovha the logo is not mandatory. It's it up to you is you want to use it on both images, just one, or not use it at all :smile:

@Pregium I don't know if it's linked with what you're describing, but there's been a technical issue with the submission process since yesterday. Our team is working on it right now to fix it as soon as possible. Once it's fixed, I'll let you know so that you can try again and see if that was the issue or not.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Edit: The issue should be fixed now. Let me know if you're still having any issue.

8 days later

Hey :smile: ive been experiancing this exact problem! Where i try to submit and its stuck on the thumbnail stage. Do you know what i can do before the deadline is over?

I've met the same issue, I still can't post images :frowning: