@snakker I appreciate the kind words and the advice. I tried to play around with line weight on a couple of them, but it was pretty inconsistent. I still think it could be a good way to handle it because that's how I would handle it if I was drawing traditionally. I'll try what you suggest on the next set of heads for Term 3 Week 1.
Would you happen to have a reliable source for those kinds of photographs? I've just been using what is available on QuickPoses (which I also use for my figure drawing refs).
Wrapping Up Term 2 with Week 8
Howdy passers-by! Somehow another month has gone by and I've finally have done the assignments to a point that I am comfortable with. None of it is perfect, but "done is better than perfect."
Over the past several months, I have been working on restructuring my time and personal management systems. I've been removing distractions and focusing my energy only on those things that I feel are of deep value and meaning to me. And I feel like it is starting to truly bear fruit. I know there will be portions of the course that have to be done digitally, but I'm loving the feeling of making analog art.
I was really excited that Zbrush/Digital Sculpting was next because I was welcoming the change of pace, but I started Term 3 Week 1 today and according to the study companion and it's about clothed figures. Oh well, I'll try harder to stay current so I can get to that stuff sooner.
Overall, I am very pleased with my progress in the course. The lack of available time/energy has been holding me back. But the time that I have been able to dedicate has been very rewarding. Hopefully, some of the changes I have made over the last few months will continue to be worthwhile and I can get back on a quicker pace.