Think I will try this out as a new blog/sketchbook to post random enviros I do to pass the time . Most of these will be studies or things I find interesting in my everyday travels . Most of it will focus on landscape and composition .

here is my first batch done this past week

There are 50 replies with an estimated read time of 3 minutes.

Oh, the Edge Control reference. :wink:
Cool to see you on here, Kalen!

Wait Kalen Chock? Oh boy. Seems like I will be stalking this sketchbook then. Always loved your process of coming up with landscapes.

Well, this will be one thread to be on the lookout for! :smile:

wow! they're all so cool!

Really awesome stuff. I love your approach with the square brush strokes and keeping it simple. We all can learn a lot from this. Keep it up!

Wow your art has such great perspectives. Your third post is my most favorite.

It's all just so unique and incredible to look at. I know I'm not all that well traveled in the art industry, but I've never seen paintings like these before.

this one is a little different . Was experimenting with 3D sketching and then painting over . I don't like the result , but it was cool to explore with it . I will be trying more of these tho in the future.

You have a really unique way of painting, love your brush strokes and values. Some pretty cool shapes as well

Wow I really love how you create such a clearly readable atmosphere with these rough shapes. beautiful

You make me wanna jump back in to painting and value studies. These are cool.