Wow your art has such great perspectives. Your third post is my most favorite.

It's all just so unique and incredible to look at. I know I'm not all that well traveled in the art industry, but I've never seen paintings like these before.

this one is a little different . Was experimenting with 3D sketching and then painting over . I don't like the result , but it was cool to explore with it . I will be trying more of these tho in the future.

You have a really unique way of painting, love your brush strokes and values. Some pretty cool shapes as well

Wow I really love how you create such a clearly readable atmosphere with these rough shapes. beautiful

You make me wanna jump back in to painting and value studies. These are cool.

sucks I can't write one word.....which is


Woah, you have an amazing sense of scenery!

Dang!!! Your little sketch experiments are really dope, I'd love to see some of these taken into color!! Super excited to see more of your work in the future ^___^

Havent had much time to reply to everyone but just wanted to say thanks a whole to all the positive feedback . I will do my best to keep up with these paintings as the weeks go by , and also answer questions you may have about them!

