Wow I really love how you create such a clearly readable atmosphere with these rough shapes. beautiful

You make me wanna jump back in to painting and value studies. These are cool.

sucks I can't write one word.....which is


Woah, you have an amazing sense of scenery!

Dang!!! Your little sketch experiments are really dope, I'd love to see some of these taken into color!! Super excited to see more of your work in the future ^___^

Havent had much time to reply to everyone but just wanted to say thanks a whole to all the positive feedback . I will do my best to keep up with these paintings as the weeks go by , and also answer questions you may have about them!



Nice to see your sketches here, Kalen, especially in terms of brush efficiency! Please, keep posting. :octopus:

At this point I'm saving a folder on my computer of your work so I can study what it is that you're doing. Your work has this sort of Ribbon-y feel, like you're painting with ribbons, sort of similar to the VR app Tilt Brush
Do you use a very hard brush and manually pick every value, or does your brush have some opacity pressure/flow pressure (controlling the amount of pigment escaping the brush) so that you control the value via pressure?
or a little bit of both?