Havent had much time to reply to everyone but just wanted to say thanks a whole to all the positive feedback . I will do my best to keep up with these paintings as the weeks go by , and also answer questions you may have about them!



Nice to see your sketches here, Kalen, especially in terms of brush efficiency! Please, keep posting. :octopus:

At this point I'm saving a folder on my computer of your work so I can study what it is that you're doing. Your work has this sort of Ribbon-y feel, like you're painting with ribbons, sort of similar to the VR app Tilt Brush https://youtu.be/zHVD7WYd2RU?t=212
Do you use a very hard brush and manually pick every value, or does your brush have some opacity pressure/flow pressure (controlling the amount of pigment escaping the brush) so that you control the value via pressure?
or a little bit of both?

well not to shamless plug but I just released a tutorial called graphic sketching which actually goes over how I have been doing these sketches above . So you may find it very helpful!


looks at the store

Wait that's you!?
Wait that coupon is for your stuff!?

Fffffffffff-- my brother and I have a tradition of a yearly present. It's both a birthday gift and a Christmas gift, but it can come at literally any point in the year. This year, just last week, my brother told me "so I know you've been investing more time into your art, and you seem to love Cubebrush and the Cubebrush forums, so buy 100 dollars worth of stuff and I'll cover it. This is gonna be an art year."

I bought almost all of your stuff in the bundle, not realizing it was you (I was looking for environment-focused lessons, and I didn't put the images and your style together even though I really admire your art on here), and now you come out with another tutorial, with a coupon making everything cheaper?

I'd have bought it all if you were a week earlier :frowning:

I haven't gotten a chance to look at any of the tutorials yet (university is keeping me busy), but I'm excited to check them out once my project load calms down!

hahaha well you have a cool brother to invest that kind of money into art . I am a december baby as well so my birthday and Christmas always gets combined . well i appreciate the support!

holidays I will have some free content for sure so keep on the look out!



14 days later

Just wanted to say thanks for all the support . If you wanna download the PSD for these you can do so here for free!

trying to participate in the fb lunch sketches as well . Plus its always nice to add a little color to forum

I really enjoy your values. Your sketches feel very atmospheric.

9 days later

The repetition of the blocks give the environment designs a sense of story and movement. Simple yet powerful. Very fresh. :sparkles:

1 month later

20 days later

Here was a demo done for my students tonight in the Q&A . This was a painting off of a photo . The goal was trying to emphasize the importance of blocking out proportions and composition before rendering . To me breaking things down to its core shape is essential when creating environments

I'm really digging your style. I see a lot of hints of cubism in your work along with other abstract methods. You've got some really good pieces and I'm looking forward to seeing more. Keep up the great work!

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