9 days later

Some lip studies. I could have spent time and done more realistic rendering but didn't feel like it was worth it so I just quickly laid in some values under the line art again while zoomed out. Things were busy again this week with work so I didn't make as much progress with my studies as I would have liked. I guess eyes are next. .

I have been playing a lot of Infinity Nikki lately and for the box cover, I decided to make a new treatment for the Infinity Nikki logo and imagine what a physical box for the game might look like if they sold physical copies of it. I staged the whole thing in a marketing banner design and photoshopped different imagery together to make it look nicer.

The lip studies look good. The Infinity Nikki box looks adorable. Normally the E rating is on the front or back of the game box. I'm not sure if it's on the side.

27 days later

Work got extremely busy again and I completely fell off the wagon with my practices. Balancing life, work and practicing art is a real struggle for me at times and It makes me feel bad because I had such a good momentum going too. I made a little chain and fence brush tonight which was all I could fit in for today. Hopefully this small step will kickstart me to continue again.

What an appropriate visual for today. Sometimes life and work chains you down. lol

Notes from the 3 point perspective lesson. I started on some eye studies as well but haven't shaded them in yet. Glad I was able to make a little bit of progress this week after being away for a while.

Study sketch of a portrait from the book 'Drawing The Head for Artists'. I completed the rough sketch then tried some deformations of the drawing to push the shapes. I feel like pushing the shapes a bit brings a bit more attitude to the drawing.

I really like the clear planes you're using in this, especially in the nose section. I always overwork that, making it look too blocky.

I drew some boxes on the 5 point grid.

I'm still struggling with daily practice. Sometimes it's a fight with myself to get going but once I get going then it's much easier. Just starting is the hardest part for me. Especially when I am already feeling burnt out with everything else that's going on in my life.

Even one small thing a day is better than nothing at all though.

I tried the man in 4 point perspective. This was turning out soooooo wonky looking while I was working on it that I burst out laughing because he was so wide! I must have gotten the initial measuring proportion off, so i slimmed him down by squishing the art horizontally. I also had to go back and adjust the head since it was super tiny compared to the rest of the body. I think it turned out ok in the end, but don't think I am ready to attempt more of this just yet on my own.

I took a bit more time to render these eye studies than the others. I had to cut myself off though cuz i could just keep going further into hyperrealism.

I want to study some anime and cartoon artworks next I think since I kind of want to get away from realism eventually and I'm interested in learning more about stylization.

Nice work on the chains and fence brushes. You may need more practice with the 3-point perspective. Nice work on the faces and the deformations of its shapes.

The 5-point grid looks great, as well as the eye studies.
The four-point perspective mand does look a little challenging. But it works

Thanks for the comments. The 3 point perspective stuff was a note taking copy from Marc's lesson. I haven't actually tried applying that to any art yet.

Taking notes while watching the lesson helps me to remember what he said, but I think i'm going to do some perspective lessons out of a book soon though since his lessons on that topic aren't very in-depth.

I did some studies from the 100 heads challenge pinterest board. I stuck with just line art for these since they were pretty time consuming.