Here comes a compliment sandwich

Nice balance of shapes, the compositions lead the eye around the page really nicely. Good spacing and implied lines.
As something to look at, using black for shading the tiger made the colour muddy, especially when compared to the super-vibrant fox. There's more of the tiger shaded than not which makes it seem grey with orange bits instead of orange and orange-in-shadow to me. Especially with the back shaded since that bit would normally be lit given a clear field and assuming a sun-like source. I guess it gives the back a nice plane but the same might have been achieved using orange? Not sure.
So in summary if the wash were used more sparingly it would un-muddy the colour some.
Good work doing actual tiger-y stripes, that can be hard to get right. Looking forward to seeing what animal is next! (Sorry it looks bad having the "improvement" part so much longer but I feel like I need to explain myself and suggest things to try there instead of just saying "Tiger's colour is muddy" and moving on. But who knows, maybe that would have been enough? Ah well I already wrote all this so here you go lol)