I recently bought the new color constructor tool on cubebrush and I have been trying the tool out on one of my drawings. It did help a lot by showing me the different color combination. But colouring is still my weakest point. I have some ideas on what I should be improving, but it will definitely help if someone can critique my drawing. Hope someone can help me out there.

I did a quick PO. I added more of a rim light from the light in the background. Some cast shadows coming from the cloth and a cast shadow from the head onto the body. The red of the cloth contrast is very strong. I blurred it here but it might be better to use the red somewhere else. Maybe the lights on the body could be red?
Quick tip would be to draw doted lines that point to the planes that are facing towards your light to have a better understanding of where lights hits your object(character) in a scene. Hopefully this makes sense.

I tried to also give more focus to the face or should say eyes. Because of your light set up and where light hits the planes on the face, the darkness of the shadow areas contrast well with the brighten up eyes. Now I'll assume she has some kind of powers or mecha eyes or something to just help the overall image. I didn't spend much time on the anatomy like I should've but finding some reference or even doing this pose yourself and taking a photo should help.
Hope this helps. :smile:

  • Cheers Malcom -

I think you need to have more contrasting values in the image. Also, the shadows look too black and the lights look too white. In addition to this the red cloth looks out of place and like it doesn't belong in the scene. I personally find it rather distracting being how saturated and bright it is. Which makes me wonder where is your light source? It doesn't seem to be very universal throughout the image. Anyway good job on this and good luck.

Trying to fix it slowly and learn in the process but really thx for the advice, will upload up the corrected one , once I have complete it. Thank you ^^ (sorry i'm bad with words)

no problem. I look forward to the next update. :wink:

I started overpainting this sometime ago, then you posted, then I was thinking about scrapping it... but whatever, i'll go ahead and continue on and give the advice I was going to give. Otherwise it would've been a waste of time.

My advice would be to increase the fill light in the background, making the light spread around back there a lot more. This'll create more contrast with the shapes in the foreground as a whole. Secondly, lower the values in the hair shadows a lot (which i noticed you did a little in the updated one) but you didn't really do it much around the neck area, which should be the darkest part of the hair because it's getting the least amount of light.

Thirdly, be very careful with that saturated green lighting you put in in the bottom right. Their's two problems with lighting that is highly saturated, 1) as light gets brighter it tends to lose saturation, which means there is a lot of difficulty in trying to make lighting look natural and not artificial 2) saturated colors tend to have a way of drawing attention to themselves, which can create complications with composition and eyeflows. That's my opinion on it.

Fourthly, i was going to suggest to brighten up the curtains and increase the saturation a lot, and toss a hand shadow underneath. This'll create that transmitted lighting effect. You know when the sun shines through semitransparent material like green and yellow leaves? Or perhaps a balloon, umbrella, or stained glass. That's what is known as transmitted light, and the colors become richer. Though it does look like you scrapped the curtains completely updated version =\

Anyway, that's my advice. Good job on the piece.

Ah ok, I should keep that in mind on my next drawing, right now im a bit busy with work so once I'm free I will fix this one again :smile: thank you so much ^^ though I will repaint the whole thing again from scratch just to practice again once I have free time :smile: