The brush I use for my line work is a hard round brush with the size, opacity, and density ( I think that's called flow in Photoshop) set to pen pressure. I have the minimum opacity set to 70% and density to 45%. I have an eraser with the same settings just without the size variation.
About 80% of my shading is done with the hard and soft round brushes and erasers, with some minor adjustments to the opacity and flow settings. I also use a blending brush and a square brush that has the same settings as the hard round just with a square as the tip shape.
I also use a ton of masks, clipping layers, and gradient maps when I'm coloring. I do most of my coloring in correction layers (Effect Layers or Adjustment Layers in Photoshop). Gradient maps, levels, hue/saturation, color balance, etc. Then I'll paint over that.
I hope that wasn't too long.