Hey there,

my name is Michel an aspiring (yet beginner) artist from Germany. Im looking forward to improve and try to keep up, hopefully. Im not visiting any other art school nor had I proper art lessons before. So I got enough space to get better I guess.

my first pencil strokes. should be better in no time

its actually hard not to redo every stroke/line immediately (and or keep just the "good ones"). Nevertheless Im gonna post all of my first crapy attempts (to capture my journey ofc).

Sidenote: Im sorry for my english. Maybe I will find some time to practice it aswell. Till then good bye.

Welcome to the forums Michel! I to had no training at all when I started. I love to see this work and all of those cylinders. Looking great!

Kept struggling the last days but here I am again. I dont try to judge myself to hard. I focused more on traditional art ( past 3 days) and coming back to digital pieces feels kinda off tbh but thats just part of the process I guess. My will to create art is great these days, the art I create is not. Im not even that mad... just disappointed? whatever, till next time (:

quick update. focused more on the process and not on the urge to get a "good" outcome. was more calm and had more fun on this exercise. pretty good feeling tbh.

Keep up the good work! If the will is there you can make it. Don't get discouraged its a long process to improve and everyone started out exactly where you are. You are doing well. Keep it up!

Tried smthing different. Additional to this "milestone", I drew my first perfect elippse yesterday. A small step for the world, but a ... .

Congrats on your milestone that must have felt good! Making elipses was soo difficult when I started. Its still tough but I can't really think of another art skill that is as important as making an elipse. Great work!

1 month later

My progress of 6 weeks. It is so motivating to see some improvement. Im still noticing to many mistakes, but right now, Im pretty happy.

17 days later