Just got Art School last week, I figured I needed some structure to get better as I have recently decided to actually study and improve instead of doing random doodles like I have all my life. I feel like I'm too old and behind right now so I am trying to get over that and also trying to get over the fear of posting my art online.

I haven't done any of the assignments yet so here are some random 2 min feet studies.

Hello fellow oldie
I'm in a similar position. I got (late) into drawing during my vocational training (media design related) and loved it, so that I actually tried to get into an art university after those two years of vocational training, but I... was too bad :smiley:
So I gave it up and just recently came back to drawing, now that I have a unrelated degree and a unrelated job. So you're not alone!

If you got all art school terms, you can watch the video about learning from term 7 first. Marc speaks about how learning isn't related to age and other important things :smile:

Your feet are looking awesome and very advanced, so stop listening to those thoughts!

Reassuring to see other people on the same path. I'll get on that video from term 7, thanks for the tip!

And thanks for the encouragement I definitely need to work on the mindest part haha.

Welcome, and I'm sure your art looks good seeing as to how good your feet studies look and I also started late in a sense. I'm 18 and just recently graduated high school, but I didn't start drawing until 10-11 months ago, so I may not be as old, but I am very inexperienced compared to most artists. Hope to see you around on the forum and discord as well, may your learning go well.

Thank you! Also, where can I find the details for the discord, I'd love to join. :smiley:

If you go to the art school forum guidelines post at the top of the forum homepage there is a link in there to join the discord
here is the link If you can't find what I'm talking about:


Here to give you some extra encouragements on the "feeling too old" and behind part.

I decided to pursue art late and have what seems impossible goals to accomplish but at the same time, I think the line from Alice in Wonderland "Sometimes I believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast" applies here. I trust in you and will be looking forward to your posts!

Also nice feet!

9 days later

After much procrastination, I finally did some Term 1 assignments. I am aware that these aren't very good but this forum post is a great idea to stay accountable and motivate myself to do work.

Tube practice took me ages.

Gesture Drawings, I found this so difficult as I've never done anything under 2-5mins. My 30-sec ones are even more atrocious than the 1 min ones so I will work my way down. Hopefully in a month or so I will be much better.

2 point perspective buildings...I mean they do look like buildings I guess.

For the copy drawing assignment, I'm not sure how detailed these are supposed to be.