I just purchased the first Term of Art School and wanted to share my results and how I may or may not improve over time, hehe.. Im pretty new to drawing. Im 37 now and I didn't draw much for the last 20 years or so, but wanted to give it a try cause I like to watch anime and reading comics and love all the fantasy drawings on DA and so on. So in the last few months I thought about starting a new hobby and see how well it goes . My goal is to start my own comic if I ever get good enough. So, here I am.
I use procreate on iPad and clip studio paint on Mac with a Wacom intuos drawing tablet.

Here are some gesture drawings. 30seconds and 1 minute. These are pretty much my first ones, so yeah, lotta to improve.

Welcome to the community! Look forward to seeing what comes out of your new drawing hobby :smiley:

Thank you for the welcome. :grinning:
Im a total noob when it comes to drawing, but I have some experience in 3d cad modeling which could be helpful at some point. I started drawing regularly (every day) since august and I really like it even if nothing I draw is really worth showing (at the moment), lol. For me its a good stress relief and its fun.
Even gesture drawing is fun.
Today I did some gestures, a full body and some attempts on faces and coloring in black and white. The full body is, meh,, but I like the faces somehow.. Its an exercise so it doesn't have to be perfect, right? :smile:

Welcome to art school! Your line control is really solid and you have a really nice foundation! Keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing more.

These skeletons look really nice 😄👍

Hey, thanks @prinzmoana

Couldn't get much done within the week so far, but I tried to draw at least half an hour a day.
I practiced gesture drawing a lot and today I tried to draw Gimli from lord of the rings.

Monday gesture drawing


And todays work

And here are some whole body practices without measurement, just by eye,. Tried a thicker brush too, just out of curiosity.

Nice practice sets! Keep up the good work!