Hi Guys

You can call me Red, i'm a 23 year old engineer from South Africa. I am an aspiring concept artist/illustrator. I've had a love for video games for as long as I can remember and my passion for art came from that love for video games. I still have a ways to go, and this blog is to track my progress and also to be part of a great art community.

So what I felt to do was create character concept art and then do illustrations for those characters and then share what is going on in my brain while i'm doing it. Feel free to give cc anytime or just leave a comment. I'm really open to learning so i'd love to hear what you guys think. Also feel free to ask if you have any questions, i,ll help where I can :relaxed:

Here is some art that I did recently ! Thanks for reading :smiley:

Have a nice day :wave:


Hi Guys,
So I've started with a new character. The Context is Fantasy/Female/assassin/Good /Cool calm and collected. I'm thinking maybe she belongs to an order of assassins but she is a veteran so she is confident but not arrogant. The order she belongs to only targets evil characters.

As far as design goes, I've tried to keep it slim to hint that she favors stealth and dexterity over brute force and a more direct approach .

I''m thinking of polishing the one on the far right further. Let me know what you guys think, and feel free to critique . Thanks for visiting :grinning:


Yup I like the right one a lot. The second one is cool too, but she's missing a cool hood like the third one :smile:

I started working on the line art for my assassin character . I'm not quite finished with the line art yet, i'll still tweak some of the line weights at a later stage. I need to finish up the arms and leg too. I feel like the design might be getting a bit busy so I might cut back on some of the details.

1 month later

Hi Guys,

Wow I haven't posted in a while. I've been working on the Fantasy Assassin that I started. I've Gotten her to a point and I feel I've polished enough. It was a nice challenge and I definitely learned some things while working on it.

I Had a tough time doing the Skin and material textures ( Metal, Fabric, Leather ect.). I didn't want to do a background for the character this time as I just wanted to display the character.
But I would like do some more Armour iterations in future before committing to one like I did with this Piece.