One week in, time for an update!
Looking back, I kinda started slacking off later in the week, so I'm gonna try and keep myself from doing that in the future.

I've mostly been focusing on the figure drawing part, since I'm already used to drawing people, so this week I'll try to focus on the perspective class more.

Figure drawing:
These are from imagination except for the ballerina one. I tend to use up a lot of space with a sindle drawing when doing figure drawing from reference, so it'd be a bit of a hassle to save all the drawings I did

I tend to forget to eyeball proportions a little too much, so I'm gonna keep this exercise in mind and try to do it regularly.

I use CSP instead of photoshop, so I didn't really like the prospect of doing the Combining Images and Liquify etc exercises, but I did have the tools to do the other two.

These make for great warm-ups! I'll have to use a different brush for the last part of the last exercise, though. That one didn't really work

This was a lot of fun! I like colour matching. The only thing I had problems with was the last exercise, I couldn't figure out what combination of the different tools to use exactly, so I'll probably try it again in a week or so.

And now, to close with, some personal art! (which I've probably been focusing on a little too much):

omg ur creature characters are adorable!

also oo cute boi in that last pic :smile:

Snakker here, local noob. You've got some really nice pieces on show here, I like your style. That last one is truly a pain. I think you got it very close though, probably have to change color temp on the highlights (add some red) and you'll be spot on

Keep up the good work!


14 days later

WEEK 2 & 3
I don't know how often I'll update this, but here's where I'm at after week 3
I've mostly been drawing perspective exercises and figure drawing/gesture drawing, and while my perspective still needs some work I'm thinking of slowly adding in some Term 2 this week

Gesture Drawing:
I haven't been doing gesture drawings every day because I don't always have the time for it, but here's some from a few days ago!

Figure drawing:
I'm still struggling a little with this one! Measuring feels so tedious when you're used to going by if it feels right, and I made the mistake of having my graphic tablet on a too steep angle for the first one. I can usually balance that out, but it meant that my measurements were off. Whoops

I'm still at one-point perspective because I wasn't satisfied with my results. I have a bit of a problem approaching it like Marc does, making up the whole structure of the room as I go, so it was kinda of exhausting for me at the start. But I'm switching it up right now, sketching the room beforehand, and also trying to incorporate it into a larger story the image tells, which helps me tremendously with the details!

I don't have a lot of personal art to show for the last two weeks, except for this little christmas pic:

This is all looking great! And donโ€™t sweat it if itโ€™s difficult at first. If itโ€™s overwhelming then definitely try doing it at a level of detail thatโ€™s more comfortable. For example using mannequins on stead of am actual outline just to get the proportions right or using cubes and planes without detail at first for perspective. That said though, your figures and perspective studies look good


Interesting gesture flow. Although it's a bit hard to differentiate each human part if one overlap each other (e.g. which part is arm?), you can definitely see the pose. I'm quite intrigue