Howdy! The name's Rey! Though I go by Yarem (or Yar) online. I am a 24 year old self-taught artist living in Canada and been drawing on and off for about 5 years. I somehow managed to find a small niche and make myself a small presence online but now I feel is time for me to hunker down and try make a career out of this.

I joined the Art School project in hopes to develop my skills in some close semblance to what the industry standards, reinforce my fundamentals and pick up good practice habits, which lately I have been neglecting in lieu of full projects and commissions.

Above all, I just wanna be proud to show my work to the world in and out of the internet. So yeah! A pleasure to be here!

Here are some assignments for term 1

The last task of the second assignment was really tough, probably spent too long on it but i think it ended up good enough.

This is also the first time i am doing any form of photo editing in Clips Studio so any tips or feedback on how to better use the tools to achieve similar effects to Photoshop would be really helpful.

Hi Yar! Fantastic work on these assignments so far! Really cool vibe with the castle assignment! I look forward to seeing your work!

Thank you lots! I am looking forward to making more! hahah.
I tried to go for a more otherworldly vibe for my castle thingy. I just hope the elements do mesh together well ^^

Welcome aboard @yarem4, can’t wait to see your progress. Don’t stress to much on the colour mixing portion esp that last beach scene I and a lot of others struggled with the same one.

I do wonder if anyone has gotten it down perfectly, hahah. I have a feeling that it's so hard because the order in which you "reverse" the filters affect the result even if you got the values pretty close.

Did the rest of the Photoshop assignment... in Clip Studio. The apples and alien were straightforward enough but I had to use a bunch of filters to make the aging one work since there is no automatic patching or healing in CSP (That I know of). It did reduce the aging effect more than I intended but at least my boy Tom doesn't look like a Frankenstein monster.

These are looking great! Nice work!

Went partly through the nude figure drawing lesson. Wanted to try and get down the mannequin construction right before doing the rest. Hardest part is probably un-learning the way i already do this and also trying to do it quickly.

Double whammy update. Been doing some gesture drawing and also working on the proportions assignment. I got the proportions not so well the first try (in blue) but i feel my second attempt (in red) is better. I still need to look at a reference for it though. We'll see how long till i can do it from memory.

... and here are some gesture drawings from past couple days. Been flip-flopping between 30 sec and 1 min gestures for them. I feel more comfortable doing the 1 min ones but i am trying to challenge myself and really prioritize feeling on the 30 sec ones.
The main issue i have with this is that i rarely have time to really look much a proportions at all. If this is a failing or intended, i am not sure but i sure hope to get better at it.