thank you very much for the great feedback, i never really truly considered keeping the buildings to the same time period. I should really keep that in mind thanks and very late reply ive been back at work and slacked off a bit with my art studies but now im back.

Today I decided to model a character on Zbrush I decided to model Aku Aku from the crash bandicoot series. I decided on this character as it would be a good practice as it is simply made of basic shapes.

Good job mate, you could also make the model look more like a combination of planks rather than only one plank like in the image below :wink:

Clothing and drapery practice for term 3. Sorry about the wonky faces the study is mainly for the clothing. Any feedback is welcomed, thanks in advance.

Wow, I think you nailed it with the folds. Very believable. If I were to really nitpick, I'd say just darken the two biggest folds on the first dress for better contrast. Second one I really have nothing to say about. :heart_eyes:

A model of a night elf character from the World of Warcraft series, if anyone has any tips to improve my model please let me know. ( I have to be honest i was quite lazy with the eyebrows i dont really know how to do hair follicles on zbrush) Thanks in advance

Love how you gave him lipstick :joy: Not sure what the elves should look like face-wise, but maybe give more volume to the neck muscles?

Ah yh, i see and i have also done the sterno cliedo mastoid muscle pop out a bit too much. thanks for the feedback.

Some more clothing studies, for some reason i find white clothing a lot more easier to paint than black/darker clothing.

The dress is super well rendered :heart_eyes: is it from a reference or you figured it out?

You have a lot of good stuff there! I especially loved the noses - super nice lines <3

This is going to be my last referenced clothing picture, I thought ill go a bit beyond the assignment task and add a couple of extra features to emphasize the character in motion.

You captured the motion here really good. I think the folds convey it perfectly too. Needs some polishing on the edges, but, otherwise a great study!

I love it, the pose and the vibe also if there's no color here. The only thing is that I don't understand what's going on near the neck. Hope that you will render this because it could be definitely stunning at the end :heart_eyes:

12 days later

Think I'm getting the hang of clothing a bit more than I did last week. Got some tips from Marc from last live Art school session mentioning how I should boost the overall contrast of my folds.

That's really good folds for the jeans. Love the texture too. The shirt folds go too much over her left boob. Seems like there's no volume or tension there. Maybe don't stretch the folds so far?

Ah I definitely see what you mean, thanks a lot for the feedback.

Hey Ruben!

While your folds and draping looks reasonably accurate, I recommend you pay close attention to the general light scheme of your source. For instance, that model with the green shirt, your rendering does not match the lights on the skin!

There is a pale blue bounce light that should be coming from the left, forming a core shadow in the 3/4 axis, and some warmer light coming from the right. Try de-saturating your overall base color, which allows you to go more vivid around the highlights.

Adding bounce or ambient light within a shadow shadow shape is an extremely satisfying part of rendering - you're missing out on the fun! :smile: