Hey there Everyone!
I'm Viktor from Hungary. I'll start this artblog real quick in hopes of being motivated by it to do my studies more regularly. My goal for autumn was to do nothing but studies everyday aside from writing my thesis in biology. However, once I get my degree in biology in january, I probably won't be able to do anything with it, and honestly, don't even want to really, because as it turns out, that's not the field that I can imagine myself in, but rather in game development (who doesn't, right?) as I have forever.
That being said, character art is what I want to improve on - as opposed to environment concept art. I really wish I could paint environment, but for me, that's almost like starting from zero, because all I've been doin in my life is drawing people. Mostly faces and muscles. So I want to arrive at a level of "employability" (is that even a word?)as soon as possible in that field.
My plan for improving: focus on whatever I'm the worst at.
What I intend to study in order of importance: color and light > value > clothing > gesture > anatomy > foreshortening.
My biggest weakness is color and light, so that's what I need to focus on. Unfortunately, that's the topic I have the least idea of how to approach. Hopefully it will turn out somehow. Until then, here's what I started working on the other day. Obviously, this is the kind of stuff I shouldn't do, because it's in my comfort zone. But I guess I'll have to at least polish it up so I can call it finished. This is entirely from imagination (without any reference)
see ya later!

Sep 29, '16
last reply
Dec 21, '17