Strange. That's where the convergent line fell but I definitely agree. I can cheat it in. Thanks!

Perspective is messing with us! :joy:
You're welcome. ^^

This bed is still a fire hazard. For modern day accommodations don't forget the outlets and chargers near bed for every device available :joy: Unless everything runs on the power of DARK!

Do your appliances not run off of darkness and souls?

I wish. I would patent a perpetual energy device. For all the poor trolled souls.

20 days later

Wow! This "reflection" is so special, as well as all the details :open_mouth:

1 month later

The darkness prevails in this topic! :grin:

1 month later

Haven't posted in a while so here are the last past two images:

Here is my submission for a Dark Disney challenge.

6 months later

This is my first stab at 3pt perspective. Wanted to challenge myself by drawing a pirate ship.

Welcome back! I love your grim style choices! Hope you post more :grin:

NICE BOAT! very hard subject, great job