Herro everyone! I'm Kat also known as bodytemp online. I'm a pretty lazy 2d artist and I do have a hard time focusing on things so I'm hoping to change that. I am originally a 3D artist and sometimes still work in the environmental department. But yeah... I'm not sure what else to put I'm bad at these sorts of things.
I'll update this as I do the assignments, I'm currently in crunch time so I can't do much at this point.

(this is why I can't have nice things)

My hause dawg:

source files:

I'll be skipping the last assignments in this video as I already use this sort of thing on a daily basis in my own art. Next up perspective.

Hey there :smile: you did very good with the edit image assignment and love the little faces on the circles haha!

thank you so much!! I couldnt resist doing that honestly hahaha

woahh your image is really good :bangbang: :frog: :grin:

Doing great! I love your sense of humour too.๐Ÿ‘Œ

Nice job with the photobash you really nailed the mood and significantly changed the originals.

The only problem I see with the photo bash is the fact that the house photo was taken with a 2 point perspective while the park is in 1 point perspective. Other than that it is overall very good!