Hi everyone, my name is Ilyas and in this topic I'll be posting my progress on the assignments from the first term of Art School for digital artists. I have been using Photoshop for about three years now, but I've never taken any art classes nor have I participated in any mentorship programs prior to this. Any feedback is welcome, so feel free to leave your suggestions ^^

  • Digital Pen Control

I started with digital pen exercises, since this is something that I've been struggling with the most. I have a usual pen tablet (not cintiq) and though I have gotten used to it, I could never draw straight lines right away. I have a similar issue with drawing circles. Here are the results of the exercise.

  • Image adjustments
    I found this assignment to be particularly helpful, as I got to try various tools for myself. Before that I would try to find the needed colors manually from the colorpicker, but this way is much faster and way easier to use. There is still much to work on (especially in the last exercise), but this is as good as I can do for now.

This is it for now, but I'm gonna be updating the topic as I go through the remaining assignments :smile:

Hey hello there and Welcome to the course ! Nicely done on the first assignments. For pen control if you are using a tablet like an intuos u know with no screen something that helped me with line control is to tape a piece of sketchbook paper on top of the tablet. It has no effect on the sensitivity and it helps with the grip and resistance, as if you were drawing on paper :smiley: anyway I look forward to your progress, Keep rockin that stylus.

I agree with @thedanielart97 its really well done, can't wait to see more, keep it up. Also i didn't know the trip about the sketchbook paper trick, i will give it a try as i have trouble with line control from time to time.

  • Combining Images
    Out of all the assignments so far, this one has been the most fun to do. The castle still seems a bit out of place, which could only mean that I should come back to this assignment again in the future. Feel free to critique, as always, any feedback is most welcome.

Awesome man! Looks very good so far. I like the composition and also the values look good. Only thing that kinda sticks out is the castle, I don't know what it is exactly, but I think it's the scale maybe... :s It looks a bit too small, even though it isn't that far away. Maybe thats what sticks out.

Thanks, that actually could be the case, it seems a bit too small to me too. I'll consider the scale of the objects when I'll be redoing this assignment ^^

23 days later

Nude figuredrawing

A little foreword: I'm not the kind of person who is doing a lot of studies on human figure, but despite that I found this class to be super engaging and helpful.

I found pinterest to be super helpful with finding reference photos. Not sure if they are 100% royalty free, but since it was for educational purposes, I went for it. Though there are not many images with a naked figure, there are a lot of pictures of ballet dancers where you can still see the body pretty clearly.

This exercise was the most fun to do. I am finally getting a grasp of drawing limbs in perspective (even though I'm still doing lots of mistakes) and I couldn't be happier about it.

Far from perfect, but at least now I remember the approximate ratios of human body.

  • 30 min figure drawing session

    This is the exercise that stressed me out the most XD. It may seem not as difficult, but there is actually not so much you can draw in 30 seconds (and yeah, all of these are 30 sec sketches). Despite that it was only 30 minute session, I can tell that towards the end of the exrecise I became much confident and tried to pick only those lines that would represent the essence of the pose the most. Definitely need to make these sessions a habit. And in case any of you want to know where I found the references for this exercise, there is an awesome website line-of-action.com. They have a big library of reference photos of models (both covered and naked) in a variety of different poses. It also gives you the opportunity to choose the length for each image.

That is it for now, please feel free to give any feedback, I would really appreciate it.

16 days later

Perspective 1 assignments

I used google street view to do this assignment and I've noticed that images there undergo some distortions depending on how far you zoom in. That is why I had to spend some time to find the correct zooming so that my convergence lines would finally intersect at the vanishing point.

  • Drawing shapes in 1 and 2 point perspective

    This assignment was fairly easy to do at first (when it involved drawing only cubes), but once I started doing some custom shapes it drastically became more frustrating (at least for me). Despite that, I'm still pretty happy with the result.

  • 1 point perspective room drawing

    Out of all the assignments from this section this one was the most fun to do. I used the photo of my own room as a reference and tried to make it look like one of the rooms from Horizon lunar colony from Overwatch. I've had a lot of trouble with lights and shadows as you can probably tell, but I hope that the image is still readable.

  • 2 point perspective street corner

    In this assignment I tried my best to make my lines as clean as possible and sticked to only two values to represent my lights and shadows. Not really sure if my shadows are correct though, so feel free to point out any mistakes if you see them.

As always, any kind of feedback is appreciated, feel free to share your thoughts and advices on how I can improve. See you in Term 2 =^-^=

Hey Ilyas, Great job so far, looking forward to seeing more from you.

From what I can tell there isn't anything wrong with your drawings (Perspective) however something that would definitely improve the sense of space is your line-weight. i.e. bold dark lines in the front and thinner and lighter lines as the items in the space recedes. Hope this helps.