Hi everyone! Im Leo, I live in Germany and I started with Art School in order to prepare for my future studies. As Im recovering from a long lasting illness, I got plenty of time, so i wanted to spend the next months learning and improving as much as i can.

This post is for my assignments and will be updated regulary :wink:

Hey Leo, nice to see that you try to push and also bend your cylinders.

I think its a good idea that your draw through the the form of the cylinders and then erase what you don't need, just trying to draw half the ellipse is quite challenging in itself and something that you can try do when your get a little better hand coordination.

Also it is very useful to use the end of your pen and then try to match the direction of that limb to observe the degree of the ellipse.

i like the idea of make the cylinder follow a curve, really useful that trick to improve my arms and legs drawings, since i have no idea how to structure them, very cool stuff!!!

Hey, thanks for dropping by! Well, thats so obvious and still i dont make use of it. Ill work on that, huge thanks to you!

Its an exercise from an illustrator called Rich Graysonn, i found it very very helpful (and fun).

great job! One advice that i could give in terms of gestures and anatomy is pay attention to the shoulders and hips, those two are by far the most important because that where the arms and legs begin , so when beginning a stick figure to mannequin pay attention to how the shoulder falls and hips rise vise versa if the hips fall the shoulders rise, this create a rhythmic gesture

Here's a quick idea of what i mean hope it helps :smiley:

Hey Fris, thanks a lot!!!
Its something i actually payed attention to on my stick figures, but never transitioned to my gestures as it seems. Gonna include it into my session today. You might have helped me a lot here, i really appreciate it!

And some more of my daily exercise routine. Feeling a little more comfortable with gestures (seeing some progress compared to my stuff 2 weeks ago). Interestingly, my gestures vary so much from one day to another. Sometimes they are super scribbly and im fast, sometimes (like today) i feel like adding details and making it smooth and organic. They look like a couple of different ppl were doing them. weird.

Started to learn the Loomis head, but still struggling. Ill show execises soon.

Btw: Sorry for the bad image quality, only had my mobile phone by hand :wink:

The figures looks like dancer references, Except that Bruce Lee cameo over there, very cool!!!