Very accurate work. Nice call giving it a copper look too.

thank you and i like the copper look as well but in actuality i was just failing at skin tone and thought it looked kinda cool so i kept it lol

Were you able to download the trial or have you had zbrush for a while? When I tried to download it last week it said on the 18th they would release something. I know they had a big update.

ya i noticed that the trial isn't available until the 18th as well so i "acquired" it through other means. but the version i got is kinda unstable and the move, scale, and rotate are so unintuitive it might be worth waiting a couple days for the trial. but if your as impatient as me you can probably find it

A great challenge and it looks like you certainly pulled it off to me.

The head looks well done, did you model things in 3d before?
I like the scar, on the nose it looks like a very deep cut, must have hurt.

thank you and i havent tried modeling before, ya i mostly added the scar since the head looked boring lol

1 month later

Welcome back! I'm thought I'd stop by the forums too lol. Great stuff on the rabbit. My trial's done so...yeah... and your figure's look nice. The one thing I notice is the jacket on the right figure has the back area missing. But that's nothing some dark gray can't fix. But that pose the model is doing is so on point, that you could run with it and turn the figure into a project if you keep that pose and add a background.

ya i should try find the photo it was really cool its on a roof with cool neon signs in the background