I finally reached to the character design class. And oh God I watched it like 5 times mainly because i couldn't come up with a hero shape. And then i realised what I was doing wrong.
I just couldn't define the character I was going for. I was like "well, ye, fantasy female character, cool.. maybe she'll be a warrior, maybe she'll be a mage.. whatever..." - and honestly, having these kind of thoughts only made things harder for me to make up some hero shape.
And when I noticed what I was doing wrong.. then everything became easier.

I decided to go for a Steampunk Bandithunter guy.
I first collected the pictures that I liked and I turned it into a moodboard.
Then I came up with a hero shape, applying all the details that i though would be cool to have.
I tried to do the thumbnails but I didn't really want to change the silhoutte that much because I don't want the steampunk design look too crazy, so I did what i did.
And then after playing a bit with thumb-s I just went for my character and mixed everything together.
I do feel a bit stiff still doing this kind of process. (theme - reference - hero shape - character)
But, hey, we all start somewhere :smiley:

So here is my character design roughly sketched here and there. ( i think he needs a coat\jacket)

I really like your hero shape. I'm looking forward to see how your character will turn out.

There's one thing that I noticed though, and it's that your hero shape is a round shape and has a lot of curved lines. I feel that so far we don't really find those elements in your design. Now, I'm saying that as someone who's still in the earlier terms, so it's possible that I have the wrong idea of how this whole assigment is suppose to work, but maybe it's worth keeping in mind :smile:

One thing that helped me was practicing silhouettes' with just nude figures around 20 at least. Then pick four of your best and start a theme with a mood board. Try not to overcomplicate your design too much.

@cedricgo, thank you for the feedback! i am not sure about hero shape either, i hope i'll finish this piece till the stream and see what marc says about it xD it's too complicated for me.
@luke_james_kid Oh! i see! so you mess around with shapes and then you come up with the further ideas and mood board! that's a nice advice, thank you a lot :wink:

So i changed my hero shape a bit more, because it's true that i dont have anything completely round so the whole idea with it is that the guy wont have anything spiky in his design.
So here we go.
I rly hope i finish it before tomorrow <_>

quick update with a simple lineart. i dont aim for clean lines coz more likely it will be covered anwya :smile:

3 months later

I love the shape language of her clothes. It's really cool and unusual.

Hi, I like how this character seems more designed than your previous one; not that im saying your previous design isnt good, its just this one looks like your ideas have been developed more and there is a clearer concept, while not looking over designed. The value work and clothing is very well done - all the materials read as separate materials and the detail work is very good.

If i was to offer any critique it would be the legs look a little bare and unrendered, but this could be that you haven't finished working on it yet. Either way good job, would love to see a full illustration with this character.

@cedricgo thanks :smile:
@alex_fucile thanks! Ye at the picture above I haven't finished the leg part yet.

So I spent quite a long poriton of my day jsut trying out different things with leg design and arms.. so idk.. I gonna leave it like this for now and see if I can come up with a better design decision as this one I dont like so much.
Maybe i hsould try different posture for her so I can make a better type of weapon but for now I am stuck with this one :>

I suck at drawing poses... and i could really find any reference that was to my liking.. also i dont really wanna go super mad with poses coz i plan it to be as a concept not an illustration but id say this pose is somewhat more interesting.. although i dont know.
I might draw the heels later and probably change the hands haha :>
I dont have much time to refine it more as I leave for couple of days.. maybe i will come up with better options for her..
either way, please let me know is there anything I could improve about it in terms of body position?

I think your onto a winner with the claws - they really drive home the flower like elements, almost like thorns or barbs. I like it. Also did you use a Edward Scissorhands reference for the left hand, I recognise that kind of pose from the film.

Your pose is fine, it isn't too flashy but also gets across a the characters more elegant qualities.