I finally reached to the character design class. And oh God I watched it like 5 times mainly because i couldn't come up with a hero shape. And then i realised what I was doing wrong.
I just couldn't define the character I was going for. I was like "well, ye, fantasy female character, cool.. maybe she'll be a warrior, maybe she'll be a mage.. whatever..." - and honestly, having these kind of thoughts only made things harder for me to make up some hero shape.
And when I noticed what I was doing wrong.. then everything became easier.
I decided to go for a Steampunk Bandithunter guy.
I first collected the pictures that I liked and I turned it into a moodboard.
Then I came up with a hero shape, applying all the details that i though would be cool to have.
I tried to do the thumbnails but I didn't really want to change the silhoutte that much because I don't want the steampunk design look too crazy, so I did what i did.
And then after playing a bit with thumb-s I just went for my character and mixed everything together.
I do feel a bit stiff still doing this kind of process. (theme - reference - hero shape - character)
But, hey, we all start somewhere
So here is my character design roughly sketched here and there. ( i think he needs a coat\jacket)
Nov 8, '18
last reply
Apr 16, '19