9 days later

I think the facial expressions are problematic. The droopy eyelids and high eyebrows of the girl make her look bored, as if she has been standing there for hours posing for the picture or something. Her gaze is also drifting over the viewer's shoulder somewhere when it would be more engaging to have her looking straight ahead, meeting our gaze.

The dragon is a little stiff too, you could add lots of nice serpentine, curvy shapes such as its neck arching down from the top (also giving a nice size contrast between them) or a claw or tail to help the composition.

Nice! I really like the overall mood of this. The first thing I noticed was that that her left arm (the one on our right) looks a bit weird. I believe it's because of the hand position. The way her arm is placed, she would be reaching to her side, but then, her palm is pointing more towards behind her. And I'm not sure if this position is possible and if it is, it's probably very uncomfortable.

I think a more natural hand position would be something like this ( sorry for the roughness of my paintover)

So with that new hand position you will have to move the dragon head so that it faces us more. Perhaps something like this ( Again, sorry for the roughness of my paintover :sweat_smile:)

I think that just this already adds a bit more interest to the composition. And then you can definitely also follow @moirae advices.

I think that this piece has a lot of potential, so I look forward to see what you do with it :smile:

19 days later

thank you so much for your feed back !!!
you are right .. i should've give it some attention on her expression !!!
"The droopy eyelids and high eyebrows of the girl make her look bored, as if she has been standing there for hours posing for the picture"

first of all
@moirae sorry for the late replay !!
i really liked the fixes you add to the picture !!! it makes sens now ..
animals and dragons is my weakness... and small detals like her arm position .. isnt visible at the time i drow it.. though i take some of my brothers feed back on the pose before i start !!
so yeah thank you for the feed back .. you did me a great favor !!!