I've been reading a lot about how to best present yourself as an artist on social media.
However, I noticed something, that I, as a student who hasn't reached a professional level yet, share with other peers who are still developing their skills:
Putting a lot of pressure on yourself when it comes to uploading your artwork, and wanting to be like the pros, when you aren't a pro.
I'm in a place where I'm no beginner anymore, but also no professional - and most things I do don't hold up to the high standard that I set for myself. Thus, posting something, usually results in shame or disappointment. I think too much about wheither the things I create are worthy of being shared, and how other people perceive me (even if they don't care). That isn't the best mindset when you want to pursue art.
It's recommended to keep a pace, to regularily create something, trying to stay consistent in quality - I guess, that's the main problem I have (and my peers as well). I draw daily, but the quality of what I draw is fluid, and sometimes there's just no time for satisfying results.
That's the reason posting doesn't really work for me. I'm too perfectionistic, lack self-confidence, and put too much pressure on myself, which usually results in nothing.
I really would like to know if some of you also have or have had the same struggles, and if you have some advice on how to overcome them!
Mar 26, '17
last reply
May 5, '17