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first idea i wanted to emulate a bit the great Frank Frazetta's style
I wanted an hero that was is mainly fighting on his own against an other race like tarzan and conan, in my case the enemies are the machines, the hero scavenged part of them to make the helmetchanged left arm weapon
graded a bit the bkg adjusted the colours and started refining the anatomy
i changed the helmet to add a sort of intimidating horns and adjusted torso's values
Did a drastic adjust on the torso's anatomy repainting resizing and toning down until i was satisfied, i watched Brom's conans and liked the exaggeration of the muscles but i decided to soften them up to reach something more classic and natural to help the piece.also reshaped the face, it was strange to me.
refined the BKG, the FG, the leg and did 4 layers of final adjustments to enhance everything.hope you like it!
Wow, amazing, the only thing I'd correct are the abdomens they seem too... small, I guess.
Hey thanks for stepping by, initially they were much bigger, i tuned them down to achieve a more natual result, i wanted the hero to show some struggle of the fight, not always strenght lays in big muscles
Oh, I don't really mean bigger as in "bulkier" just... broader, I guess, to fit better with his overall size.
did small tweaks on the torso as suggested