Hello, my name is Vincent. I'm a hobbyist who wants to learn art fundamentals so that I can apply them to other disciplines such as 3D with Blender, and Motion Graphics in After Effects. I enrolled in the Art School course intending to give/receive constructive feedback by participating within a community. You can't learn in a vacuum, after all.

Below is my first submitted assignment. Reflecting on it, I can see that it's quite eye opening, but however positive or negative, I'll let you see below.

Welcome, Vincent! You've made a great start, here. Please do keep up the momentum! Looking forward to seeing you work through the assignments.

Here's my second assignment. I had difficulty on trying to make the colors more/less saturated with curves e.g the sky in the sci-fi scene.

Holy crap, Vincent, you nailed this one!

Aside from a bit of midtone stuff on Mei there, I can barely tell the difference.

Thanks! Now that I see it, Mei's bra looks too dark blue. But since I'm adjusting the entire image, I've had a hard time trying to adjust that while keeping the rest of image consistent.

Thanks for the input on this. I'll be working on the next assignment.