Its really difficult for me to concept weapon for a character, and I really want to start doing that for them is there anyone experienced doing that able to help me out with how to get better at doing this?

My best advice in designing any concept is to gather a large sheet of reference to go off of. Shape, colors, designs, etc. can all be picked from to refer back to, so that your designs aren't so abstract that it's hard to understand something's say.. a katana.

I actually meant to post that forum topic on this account lol so I'm responding with this (actual) one :sweat_smile: Alright thanks for the advice I'll give that a try

1 month later

As @Esl said, reference is your friend. For me I like to look at all sorts of things for inspiration. Jewellery, architecture, textiles and ornaments are some other things to look at. Take this hair stick for instance, you got a magic staff right there. The rest comes down to experimenting a lot until you find something appealing. Hope that helps :smile:

22 days later

I highly recommend to use pinterest as a tool for this kind of stuff. You can find a lot of images that can help you, but try to not look a lot on other artists stuff while doing that. I mean, do what the guys above said, look for real industry machines, jewellery, weapons etc.

In my opinion the best references for weapons, armors and this kind of stuff you can find is looking at history... armys in this case. Really, this can sound freak, but you have thousands and thousands of years of people looking for functional and cool shapes, designs etc. You're going to find really crazy things, specially helmets xD. And as I said, you can use pinterest to organize your references. Then you can try to understand what the ones that you liked works and mix one with each other and just play around.
But always remember that a weapon is a tool. You can/need to be creative, but keep in mind functionality.

Hope it helps, at least a bit. ^^

23 days later

Thats great advice i really appreciate it i never thought about it like that! I bet the egyptians have Tons of interesting shapes and designs!