Started working on it, i did a hand drawing sketch, scanned it and started working on gray scale

Here is a process gif until now

Sounds awesome, can't wait to see more :smile:

Decide to start it in other way, here is another sketch:

And process gif:

All rough yet but having some fun, maybe it changes a lot yet, just trying to get ideas, brain storming!

Another update:
I stated over again, i have spend a lot of time on this one haha, and changing things a lot, still long way to finish it... I think i will post a gif with the complete process once i finish it.

I love your colours, especially in the piece you decided to scrap. The new iteration with a closer view of the city is interesting too. Looking forward to see some more progress from you!

thank for the coment raedrob! i apreciate all the fedback i can get from other artists! I want to show the city from distance and in a closer look, so the viewer can get more information from just one image, i keep trying things until i am happy with the results

Another progress image, i am getting inspiration from Theo Prins for my entry, i love his work, so im kind of studying his work while trying to shape my city

20 days later

this is really cool dude, I'd give the sky a subtle gradient since whilst I like this stylistic approach I think it's making the image appear quite flat
keep it up :smile: