Hey everyone, i'm Xefline.

I'm a 19yo student from France ( so my english isn't realy perfect sry)
I started Art School with the desire to make Art my job, and who know, become Concept artist in a video games studio :smile:

Any feedback is appreciated, here is my first skeletons and cylinders skeletons.

and don't forget my friends, praise the sun \[T]/

thanks in advence :blush:

There are 64 replies with an estimated read time of 8 minutes.

First exercises are looking great, welcome to our school :+1:

That's a very good start. Make sure your cylinders follow perspective
and end where the joint starts. You have it nailed on 3 and 5, while #7
legs and arm cylinders look somewhat small.

Hey everyone :smile:

last week i've work on Measuring Proportions and Proportions
(and the first give me some difficulties)

result is relatively good, for me i mean, but i frequantly need to use models to correct my lines, i do too much enlarged part of body, juste like the left leg of my first model :confused:

and basic proportions, look little better than the 1st, but i need more practice to remember better all proportions :grin:

thanks in advance for any feedback :yum:

Your measuring exercises are really good!! I'm at term 5 and still struggle with that hahah I finish up always with overlapping my drawing on the actual reference and it's always off :see_no_evil: ahaha

Also the proportion one are really good!! Just one thing that I noticed is with the male's lower leg: try to make them a bit thinner maybe (now they're as wide as the upper leg :sweat_smile:) but no problem easy fix. And remember that the inner part of the calf is always lower than the extern part, but don't worry you will tackle later :relaxed:

18 days later

Hey everyone :grin:

I didn't have post here since two weeks, but that does not mean, i've not worked on my side.

So i started gesture drawing and perspective,

I take so long for this, but I really like the perspective, except taking the vanishing lines all the time, this is the bad part, but necessary to get it right. :smile:

You are doing great on the 1-point perspective exercise! All the angles are aligned and I like your room variation! The only part that is confusing my eyes is this circled one below. I am finding it really hard to understand the positioning of the elements.