Hello everyone, I'm Matth a 27 years old boy from Argentina, Art always had caught my attention since i was very young, I like Anime, animation movies, cartoons, Classic Art and i hugely enjoy character design and envrioments from video games... So i have been introduced to art since i was arround 15 or so... I decided i wanted to become an Artist as soon as i finished my studies in middle school...
To be honest life for me was kinda easy, since i always get the best possible results with little to no effort at all, so... I tried to learn as much as i could about drawing and art in general but since i achieve no progress at all i get frustrated and eventually gave up... My life has always been a downfall after another since then... But i decided to give myself a second chance to be happy and do what i enjoy... Making Art.
I used to blindly study. Without knowing anythign about the foundations, until... i randomly meet Marc by youtube video and learned the very basics behind Art, and after a couple of weeks i noticed really massive improvements from my starting point, so i knew i had future in Art and that people dont born for Art, instead its something you have to seek and slowly develop yourself.
I very recently started the Full art Course, i still havent finished the Therm 1 yet... so its pretty safe to say I'm a newcomer, i will keep this post updated as much as i can as i progress to showcase what i am capable off.
I always wanted to showcase my feelings, my emotions, my thoughts and give life to stuff, so... im pretty safe to say that Art is my everything and i will fight to make my dreams come true...
Tools i use to make Art:
Phyisical art - Usually use A4 sheets / Artistic Sketching sheets + Pentel Graphel mechanical Pencil 0.5 HB / 2-H
Digital Art - I have a Cintiq 12 HD, Cintiq 24 HD & I recently purchased an Ipad Pro 12 9 to progress into digital art while im away of my house or studying art in private classes.
Artists that inspire me and that i truly love:
Loish - Marc Brunet - Alma Luna - Dave Greco - Saito Naoki
Here's a sample of stuff i have been doing... Before starting Art School:
Dec 28, '21
last reply
Jan 27, '22