Hello everyone!
My name is Ondrej Mrstny. I'm 22 and I come from Czech Republic though currently live and study in Denmark. I am a beginner but very enthusiastic digital artist. I do it during free evenings, when I don't have to study or am not training somewhere. Once I would like to become an Illustrator for fantasy books/games/movies or whatever in that theme though I will be doing a lot of concept art for now as I need to practice my fundamentals to be able to make decent illustrations...
My other activities besides school and art are training and coaching Parkour and Fitness, playing table-top games and eating FOOD!..
Art has been a part of my life as far as I can remember. When I was a kid I was always more creative and skilled than any of my mates around me and I imagined myself being a professional artist when I grow up.. I didn't only draw a lot, but also did music. But as my life continued and everyone kept telling me that it's not something I could make a living of and that I should do something more "useful", it slowly became just something that I live with, but it's forgotten. I kept drawing, but usually only in school when I didn't really want to pay attention to Mathematics or Physics haha
2 years back I started playing with Adobe Illustrator, because I saw some tutorial for it on youtube and liked it a lot. I made few vector paintings with my mouse and started watching more and more videos seeing people paint awesome stuff in Photoshop and other programs. I already knew that that's something I want to learn as well, so a week later I already had my small cheap Intuos Creative Pen Tablet by Wacom and started practicing.. I mainly watched Marcs tutorials and then also some Sycras. Never stopped watching speedpaints.. I made my first 3 paintings, which I was pretty proud of back then, but then stopped painting for a year because of difficult life situation and lack of time. Had to save money for studies, so I studied and did almost full-time trainer at the same time.
Now I moved to Denmark and started painting again motivated as never, watching more and more stuff and reading art books in my spare time... and getting involved in the community..
..Aand that's why I'm here. I would like to help others as well as learn a lot myself! Though I don't have much spare time when studying abroad and working to survive, I want to improve as much as I can every day so I could one day become a proffessional artist and live my dream life.
If you guys have read it all, I clap for you.. didn't think I'm gonna write so much and don't know if anyone is going to read it I'm glad I can be part of this awesome community. Big thanks to Marc Brunet for doing this all for people like me. CYA ALL AROUND AND HOPE THAT SOME OF YOU MIGHT LIKE WHAT I MAKE.
Dec 2, '16
last reply
Dec 25, '16