So I think I'm going to make a habit of posting my studies for the previous week each sunday, or at least a portion of them so as to not spam repetitive stuff. This is most of what I've done for academic studies and would like some feedback if at all possible. If you're reading this then = have a nice day and thanks for checking up.

These are some of the things that I've practiced over the last week, but like last time not all, feedback would be appreciated and I think I'm at or near the point where I really should move onto term 2. Last time I started term 2 I really only skimmed term 1 and skipped figure drawing mostly and didn't consider the reason gesture drawing was done at all and instead blindly drew without consideration. That's obviously changed now and I'm taking some advice from some of the people on the discord saying that future terms add onto term 1 and let's be honest, I'll still be figure drawing and gesture drawing for years to come. As of now I am confident in my ability to draw basic shapes and understand the base human proportions and feel that I do need to start practicing drawing faces better while also working on my shade work. So I'll start throwing in portrait studies into the mix to address two of those weaknesses starting this week. Thanks for reading if you put in the effort to and expect some interesting things in the future.

Nice progress! There are several ways to think about moving ahead in the terms. I think it all comes down to your gut feeling. If you feel like you are getting bored in term one and want to add some extra practice you can always move forward and if the difficulty jump is to high you can back up. The exercises from term one are things you can keep doing as you move forward. For me, the jump from term one to term two was by far the most difficult I have encountered in the program. The easier term one is for you, the easier term two will be, so there is merit to staying in term one aslo. Anyways, go with your gut feeling, if its to hard move back I think. Maybe that helps!

Thank you, portraits really are difficult for me, I'm currently working on a rather large personal project that's purely for experimentation that I'll post in the critique section sometime in the next following weeks, and this addresses what I think my main issues I can at least observe are. Though you are right, these repeated exercises are becoming a little bland so I've been doing some gesture drawings in public settings more often and have been incorporating perspective drawing into a different personal project that I may or may not post here. At the very least I feel like I'm progressing without going straight into the deep end yet. Again, thank you for the responses, to all who respond, I genuinely find them both help and motivation in them.

Some of what I've studied for the week, though this week has been pretty busy for me so I couldn't work too much on studies and personal art, dang though, only 3 weeks into consistent posting and I already barely make the deadline. To be fair I haven't been home for almost 2 days and only had enough time right now for gestures and basic touch ups. I'll try to at least get one portrait done this week though, so until then please have a good week.

I am ashamed to this week was just as unexpected as the last, though this time I got even less done as I have been and still am sick with a flu, no need to worry though I took a covid test and it came back negative. Though this flu still left me bedridden most of the week and the time spent out of bed was completely unfocused even now I find trouble maintaining focus or even eyesight, hopefully it passes soon so I can get back to studying and even working on personal art again. What I have to post this week was done before the sickness became too much to bear and while I was as the peak all I could muster were gestures but I guess that's better than nothing.