Thank you! It worked straight away.
I completely agree. Most art teachers are like that now, because they simply don't have the knowledge of teaching, anatomy, value, perspective, colour theory, etc, because it was never taught to them. The places for that solid tuition are ateliers. They are few and far between and the vast majority you have to pay out of pocket and can't get government funding. Even with an illustration degree that trains students with meeting commercial briefs in mind, so they can eke out a living as a freelancer, are still more into the 'house-style' of flat images in a vector style. Colour theory, composition and advertising your skills to should skill be there. However, still no focus on anatomy, value and form, if that's more important to you.
I've seen quite a few 'I regret/hate art school' videos on Youtube and majority are from those that studied 'Fine Art'. It could be because they didn't know the difference between 'Fine Art' and illustration or Concept/Comic Art or that was the only art subject available at the best/closest university to them.
Not surprising really. Most lectures look down on 'figurative' art, where the latter falls. But, random things that need to be contextualised in a gallery space to make sense are praised. An example from a video paraphrasing her of a girl struggling to think of an idea and finish her painting, whilst her peer just got a pallet and trash, stuck it in the middle of critique, waffled to think of something and got kudos for 'think outside the box' with his original thinking. I'm sure you can imagine how demoralised it made her feel. It's one of the reasons she dropped out. They want students to be more 'loose' and 'expressive' and don't like tightly controlling academia art. I get that it can be stifling, but the other side is frustrating for students that want experienced teachers to be able to quickly spot and correct their mistakes and teach them the fundamentals. In 'Fine Art' context>>> skill.
This is why I never pursued a 'Fine Art' degree. A Level was bad enough. 😠 Pity decent Concept or Comicbook art degrees are few and far between.