I adore those silhouettes.. Your brush work is absolutely awesome!

Cleanup 2
Not sure which one I'm going to chose to use as my hero yet, I like them all so much! Next I gotta design their robot friends.
Also I figured out their story: These ladies were all together when they were younger fighting in a war between planets, when the war finally ended, the two planets were left dying in the aftermath. Now they work together to save the plant life and other organisms from their collapsing ecosystems and take them to safety on their ship where they can preserve them.

The 1st and the 2nd design are the strongest for me, 1st one has this silly upbeat personality and her clothings fit that! Great work! the 2nd seems smart and wise, and her clothing suits her as well! Keep it up! Your character is pretty unique! :smile: Looking for another updates from you :smile: