Entry for the fantasy side art war. Vampire magical girl Savna and her spider familiar Sí. In an attempt to turn the tide and finally bring peace to the art world, Savna and Sí set out to spread the love of creation with her magically enchanted paintbrushes for all to use.

Dec 16th update. Getting something up but still a long way to go.

Dec 17th** update (its after midnight but only because I was working on multible pages, and lost track of time)
Ok sooo those small circle spots on her gloves as a magical girl each represent the colors of the rainbow, ROYGBIV. She can use each color to paint on her face and unlock the power of that color, which corresponds to the color's presence within the world. The painting has to at least crudely resemble the color's power in order to activate.
W for the orange resembles the shape of a fire.
O for yellow resembles the shape of a stone
Y for green resembles the shape of a tree
S for blue resembles the shape of a river
Z for indigo resembles the shape of a lightning bolt
V for violet resembles the shape of an icicle
Each magic type changes the properties of her hair bun. Since her hair also has magic, it helps fuel whichever power becomes active.
The braided whip also changes to a different weapon and gains new powers with each form, but loses the abilities of the enchanted silk (adhesive and stretching). I will go into more detail about each weapon later.
This makes each transformation, even the base form, unique and provide its own utility. No one form is "stronger", each is a lateral move in power and just offers solutions for differing situations.

"Hey wait a sec buddy ROYGBIV? You're missing a color!"
Indeed, but not to worry! This will be addressed on the next update. The last color, what is represents and how the magical girl transformation is performed!

a vampire with spider familiar... thats rare :9 cute concept u have there

Thank you! Feel free to leave any critiques or suggestions. :smile:

it's looking good! keep it up! she is really cute c: i like her

Thank you! I just had more ideas to expand but its going to take so long to draw everything out.

Enjoy the Visual Thinking prozess. Are her Family huge spiders?

Her family is not huge spiders no but that would be interesting!

Dec 19th update: How the magical girl transformation happens and final* color.
First, a few tidbits about Savna. She is a pacifist and only wishes to resolve conflicts without the use of violence. If she meets with adversaries she can't reason with, she is not above engaging in combat. When wounds are inflicted upon her and draw blood, she can use that to access her magical girl power and transform. She must first draw the symbol in order to do this.
- (hyphen) is the symbol used in order to activate her transformation
There is no letter to represent red. Unlike the other colors, red represents the intangible but powerful link that reside within and can help shape the world: strong emotions.
-Rage, passion excitement- =Adrenaline= As this power transforms Savna physically by increasing her abilities and changing her appearance, it also transforms her emotionally. She becomes much more aggressive and unrestricted with her power. This helps her from holding back when she is forced into combat, removing her subconscious, pacifist desires. The process is not pleasant and puts great stress on her body, so this is always a last resort.

For the next update I want to focus on Sí, her powers are and how the magical girl transformation affects them. *(What happens when you combine all the colors of a rainbow? Will explore this in a later update.)

@joe_a Thank you so much! Im putting down so many details to flesh out the champion in order to get a better grasp on how she should look, her personality and her goals. This process feels more organic than just coming up with a look.

@NessyGri Thank you!! I am still doing a bit here and there, just getting stuck on a few details but should have an update soon. Mostly I'm trying not to look at any references or other champions in fear I might be swayed by what someone else has done/is doing. Get something basic and see how it can be incorporated into the character while at the same time keeping things simple and easy to understand.