Here is my background wall for my mech design.

Here are some mech designs I ended up not going with. Almost decided on the fat mech, but the stance ended up looking too awkward for me.

And a very quick, loose, sketch of my idea for the final illustration.

Looking forward to getting some feedback on all this.

Here is my final submission entry for Artwar. Concept sheet can be seen in post above.

This challenge was a fantastic experience for me. I pushed myself and learned more than thought I could in just a few short months. I had the opportunity to be part of a competition against many great artists who gave me the aspiration to do my best, as well as grow my skillset. I have the honor of my final submission judged by a collection of artist, who to me, are a constant source of drive, and admiration. Good luck to everyone who took part in this challenge. A special thank you to Marc for putting this together, and the many sponsors who are making this contest possible, you all did an excellent job, truly a contest for the ages.