whoooa looking awesome there!! Nice character design btw!

Hey, that's an awesome character. Good Work.
Have you tried placing another source of light in the front of her? I think something blueish would help pop her out.

@borjengoh thanks for your kind words! :smile:

@alykam Thanks for your input!!! I have this weird way of painting where in the beginning stages my lighting is very weak and relatively dull (and as stupid as it sounds I'm completely unaware of it), and I pop out the focal areas by adjusting the lighting as I progress further haha. Really wish I can do all of that at once x.x But yes thanks for pointing that out, I'm gonna have to treat her with better lighting soon :smile: Thank you!

More progress, now onto background characters :smile:
The rimlight on the main figure is a temporary place holder, and I will be adjusting the overall lighting and everything once I get the background stuff done! Cheers :smile:




Thanks to all of you guys who helped me get through this process, I really appreciate all the help and love :smile: Good luck to everyone else that's also wrapping up. Cheers!

Name: Steve Kim
Email: Jingon93@gmail.com
Website: http://www.artofstevekim.com/
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artist/jingon93
Twitter: None
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steve.j.kim.7

Turned out epic! Congrats on finishing and good luck to you :smile:

All the best Steve!!
Very unique character design!