Hi, my name is Anna and I am a character concept artist. Hope you will like my character.

This is my version of cyber Gamayun. In some myths, her appearance was evidence of the overthrow of the king.

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Looks interesting! Curious to see more! :smiley:
I don't have a favorite yet they're all really cool!

Really nice exploration going on and it's cool that you've got your mind clear on how you want to stylise.

My favourite so far is probably 2 BUT I would say that she looks a bit like a villain in that one I think? 5 is really good in that it feels heroic. Maybe something to do with how the mask kind of makes me think of power rangers or something. Also depending on backstory/culture information 1 could work really nicely, say if there was some cultural influences in the design, maybe Aztec or Native American, that sort of thing.

Anyway looking forward to more, good luck!

@rgdraw thank you!

@HollyRose thanks for your opinion! about variants - when I counted all voices for each, 8 was 1st and 4th was the second. now I'm combining some things together to explore final costume for her, I will try to keep my attention about things that you`ve mentioned)

Well ultimately you always have to go with how you feel and what you want! What's really important is exploring a bit which you're doing really well! :wink: Looking forward to seeing more.

They're all so cool!
I like the yellow/orange one! And the one right next to it too! :smiley:
Great work!

@mr_dessin looks like the green in the right upper corner and violet in the left upper corner are leading ^^ thanks!

But...you ?
We easily can guess you prefer the red-ish/pink one on left, right (it's bigger than others) ?

Follow your instinct, if your guts say it : D

haha no, but I guess it looks like I prefer the big one, my bad) I`ll try to choose between violet and green)

Or...try to detail (and put different details ?) on both.
So...maybe it will be easier to choose ?

Totally understand if you don't have time for this ^^'