18 days later

Final render of Iva! Any feedback is welcome, I've already realized some problems with how the arms would function as well as some design mistakes, but overall I'm happy. :smile:

Nice character and colours. Just triple check your perspective.
I don't know what will be your illustration but the golden parts on her shoulders might hinder her face. Just bend them a bit backward?

That's a good point, I will keep this in mind when I make the illustration!

Nice i like the colors, the only thing i'd say (from what has already been mentioned) is the chest looks very flat unless that was the plan / design choice, from the thumbnail above seems you had some volume there.

I still like this design apart from the small things you seen, congrats.

Ah yes, I see what you mean. I think if I add a cast shadow from where the gold shoulders start it will make it look like it lifts from the chest instead of flat on. Thanks for the feedback! :smile:

10 days later

Front and back of the design. I decided to change the design of her arms as in the previous one it was a few issues with the functionality. I hope it's better now, any feedback is welcome. :smile: thank you.

Might want to consider adding some element to her shoulders, that would explain how her arms are tethered to her body. This will look to be quite good, when you start illustrating so gogogogo Last 3 days!

Thank you! If you scroll up a bit I already have a rendered version with shoulder armor, but I think you're right. She might need some device there that's connected to the arms! Thanks for the tips :)!

No problem there :D. This has some nice attractive elements to it and it should look quite tasty when you tighten up some of the pieces :P. Overall great work :3

Thanks Innocent! :smiley: I use designdoll (free 3d software) to help me reference poses and anatomy! (It's not very accurate for realistic anatomy, but if you want to reference stylised anatomy it's perfect!)

Very rough thumbnail of the final illustration. I am liking the composition so far, I need to sleep on it before I continue. Any suggestions are welcome!

PS: Her superhero power is Levitation (hence why her arms can hover). My plan to show this through the illustration is to show the same light in her body as in the arms (for example eyes etc.). Also plan to show this by using floating elements in the scene. I hope this turns out okay!

Looking forward to the end result. This is going to be epic paint hard and fast!

Thank you! Need to work super fast now, only 12 hrs left :sweat_smile:

Final Entry, second page. This is my final illustration for my character Iva. She lost her arms and is using her levitation super power to control her hovering mechanical arms as well as being able to manipulate gravity! I really loved working on this project, wishing everyone good luck in the final hours!

17 days later

A small update on my final piece, lots of things I want to do differently in the future. (That's what learning is for :smiley: ) If I had more time I definetly would have experimented more with lighting, added some warm lights to give more contrast!